The Power of words

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This is my first time trying something like this.  I have a passion for fashion.  I love, love , love , LOVE shopping.  So I wanted to start a blogger for women like me.  A youthful fashion loving big girl on a budget.  That was the easy part.  Then I have to come of with a name for the blog.  The first name that came to mind was "The Fat Girl of Fashion".  I've love it and been in love with  the name since the light bulb went off in my head.  I then shared my idea including the name with my friends.  They all loved the idea of me do a a blog about fashion, However the name was something else.  NONE liked the blog's name!  Having FAT in the title was an issue for all of them.  Fat too them,  I feel took them to a dark place.  They associated fat with sloppy, dirty,unkempt, basically anything not beautiful.  I don't.  I love my fat ass, lol.  I own my size.  I am who I am.  I am a daughter, sister, friend, aunt, cousin,  single black female addicted to retail and FAT.  I am releasing all woman would have ever been called fat and had their feelings hurt.  Don't let anything have power of you.  This is my first step and I thank you for joining me on this journey.  I know we'll have some good times!!!!  Believe me a fat girl never lies =)