Going Natural

5:16 PM Unknown 2 Comments

  Natural hair is hair that is unadorned and uncolored, virgin non-chemically relaxed or otherwise in its natural state.

  Popular natural hairstyles include: twists sets, twist-outs, bantu knots, braid-outs, box braids, and Marley/ havana twists, wash and go, and yarn braids. 

  The term "Going natural" means taking hair that was once chemically treated and returning back to the natural state.  This has become extremely popular within the African American community within the past few years; women who choose to go natural either do a big chop, where they cut off the processed parts of their hair, or grow their processed hair out.

  The big chop is the easiest and often the route chosen.  However if you're like me and attached to your hair the big chop is not the route to take.  I personally haven't permed (perm is when the hair is chemically straighten often called relaxed) for almost 4 to 5 months.   

  My hair was cut very short and was permed.  I wanted to change hair stylist but didn't want too let someone new cut my hair.  So I started wearing long weaves.  I do have damaged parts to my hair that could not be addressed if I continue too wear glued in weave.  So I'm going too go natural so I can get my hair to a healthier state.  I'm going too wear wigs until the damaged parts of my hair is repaired.  Once my hair is repaired I'm going too wear my own natural hair.  Follow me on my process.