BlogHer Food '15

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In reading "5 Reasons #BlogHerFood15 Is a Food Blogger's Recipe for Success" on I got to thinking the same applies to lifestyle blogger.  I've know I was attending BlogHerFood '15 since it was announced.  People have questioned why would a lifestyle blogger attend a food conference.  My response is why not?  End of blog post.  Thank you for reading and have a great rest of your day, lol.  If only writing a post was that easy.  Seriously!!  If only.  

My blog, thefatgirloffashion started of as a plus size fashion blog.  With reader engagement I'm often asked where I am when I would post what I was wearing.  I post pictures of food I've creates.  Like for girl nights I would be create something tasty.  (You can get the recipe to me latest dish here Peach Salsa With Chipotle Peppers In Adobo Sauce .)  Or I was out at a restaurant trying to get all my friends to order different things so I can taste everything.  Check out some of my restaurant reviews.  With the added interest expanded to lifestyle blog.  Food is one of the main reason I increased the range of topics I cover on thefatgirloffashion blog.  

When people hear thefatgirloffashion I know they instantly think it’s a fashion blog.  Fashion is a huge part of the blog however that’s not the only topic my readers come for.  It’s often said “Lifestyle” blogger don’t have a niche and are random.  I don't take offense.  Such as life my focus daily is on many things.  So when I’m asked what my blog is about I say food, fashion and fun.  

Not surprisingly food is first.  Food plays a big part in my life.  Of course it’s a life force.  We all eat to live.  Food helps me to keep my beautiful round figure {inserts iPhone smiling emoticon}.  Food is how my family celebrates many important events.  It’s can be a meal cooked at home or a dinner out.  I recently visited New York  for Blogher ’15.  I made it a point to take her to Juniors as part of the NYC experience.  I also took her to a local diner for breakfast.  We also ate from a food truck and got a plate.  This was my moms first time in NYC and of all the places I took her, people she met, and things we saw.  Most of her memories go back to the food we ate.  I say this to say food is a huge part of our lives and the experiences we've had and thus why a lifestyle blog should attend a food conference. 


Blogher Food ’15 will be held this year in Chicago.  As a Chicago based blogger this alone is a great reason for me to attend Blogher Food.  Having attending BlogHer '14 and BlogHer '15 I know I'll be able to connect with brands.  I love creating recipes and what better way to let food brands know that as a lifestyle creative and influencer I'm a great way to get their products in front of people.  I also use  the Blogher conference a large meet and greet.  I'll get a chance to connect with a lot of my favorite foodies who've I chatted via social media.  You can find me on Instagram and Twitter being I'm very social.  I love to engage with the food community, As a master taster I know foodie love to talk about their favorite restaurants and food tips.  Partnering with SheKnows media Blogher Food '15 like the regular Blogher will be classes to improve your blog and social media approach.  This is great for any blogger trying to work in the food space. 

With Blogher Food '15  happening in less than 30 days I'm getting conference fever.  I love the feeling that comes with meeting new people and learning know things.  If you see around the conference center or at any parties please feel to stop me, say hi and of course we can take that all important selfie.  I can tell you all the good shopping spots to hit while you're in town.  You can always reach out to me soon on social media.  I'm on Instagram Twitter and Facebook.  You can always email me at  Lastly for those who just can't attend you can follow all the action on Periscope and SnapChat under username @FatGirl_Fashion because I'll be covering all the action.   Hope to see or hear from you soon.